Want to earn a quick $5,000? Introducing the Apollo 21 Business Bounty Program

By Danny Nathan

Want to earn a quick $5,000? Introducing the Apollo 21 Business Bounty Program

You’ve heard of a “bug bounty” program, right? (A bug bounty is a program that pays ethical hackers to find and report bugs or vulnerabilities in software.) While we can’t claim that everything we do is bug free, we’ve opted to focus our bounty program on new business — hence the Business Bounty Program.

How can I earn?

Think of it like a referral program.

💰If you make a referral that turns into an Apollo 21 contract, we’ll pay out 10% of the contract value, up to $5,000.

What you do with your referral earnings it totally up to you.
We’ll send it directly to you to fund your next vacay.
We’ll send it to your company to help fill the coffers.
Or we’ll donate it to a charity of your choice, on your behalf.

How does it work?

Pretty simple... You make a referral. They sign a contract. We pay you.
Just be sure to make the introduction directly to someone on our team (email is fine) so we know who the referral is coming from. And please be aware, contracts take some time to close. The time from intro to (potential) payout may vary based on how long the onboarding process requires.

The White Paper

Click here to download our white paper.
