and welcome to another episode of
experts speak I am Michael Delon today
I'm talking with Danny Nathan and well
Danny thank you so much for taking some
time and being with me this morning
thank you for having me I'm excited for
our chat well you're are welcome it's
it's gonna be a it's gonna be a fun chat
Danny does something that's out of this
world um per se you know I I love that
because well his company's called Apollo
21 which and it's got this whole Space
theme it's really really fun you got to
go to the website um and check it out
Apollo 2.io just check that out but
that's only after you listen to this
this amazing interview so what Danny and
his team does is they they' brought
together a bunch of just really smart
people to to help business owners
entrepreneurs entrepreneurs and and tech
companies unlock the Limitless growth
potential inside of your own business
and I love that phrase I I think I stole
it from his website but I I think it's
really cool because so many times we've
limited our growth or we've got a
project we don't know how to get off the
ground that's where Danny and his team
come in so let me let me just start this
whole thing as we dive deep Danny say
how in the world Danny did you get doing
what you are doing
today it has been a uh a long and sort
of roller coaster is path I uh I started
my career in the world of advertising
and realized very quickly that I didn't
enjoy doing that and so I um made it a
personal goal to get out of the world of
advertising and into something that was
more technology driven and uh frankly
just more aligned to the way that I
think the world works today and so I
found myself working in an innovation
consultancy here in New York for about
five years that was my introduction into
the world of innovation and helping
companies and businesses think about how
to bring value to their consumers um
before screaming at them to buy
something for example um and then from
there I migrated into the world of
startups and Entrepreneurship I've
launched a number of companies of my own
I've served as head of product and
design for a number of different
technology driven startups and then uh
my previous role at my last company was
as head of product for a video startup
in LA and during the last year or so of
my tenure there I was asked to help out
some of the other portfolio companies
that our investor had with um their
technology needs and so that was kind of
the beginning of specifically doing the
work that we do at Apollo 21 I started
doing it for a few other organizations
that were friendlies and then finally
somebody tapped me on the shoulder and
said hey you seem to enjoy this why
don't you go take a run at it and so uh
we launched Apollo 21 in April of 2021
and we've been doing that since awesome
I love that so um un unpack so so people
if they're like me they're sitting there
going okay I kind of get this but I'm
still kind of a little fuzzy let's bring
it down to the bottom shelf and say okay
who do you really um love working with
and and what are those three segments
that that just Define um what you all do
yeah so uh we work primarily with mid to
Enterprise size corporations are very
rough not not hard and fast Benchmark is
companies doing about $10 million in
Revenue a year who are looking for
opportunities to scale either through
new product development new Venture
building or who are looking to establish
Venture building operations of their own
so they're looking to uh innovate
internally creating like an internal
Venture Studio or innovation lab and so
the work that we do generally falls into
three categories it is helping companies
build and launch new products that align
to their existing portfolio helping
companies establish those Innovation and
Venture building operations internally
or helping companies solve operational
challenges by Building Technology to
accomplish something specific that is a
blocker or a problem within their
organization okay excellent and and
that's great thank you um I I I heard
the story years ago and I and I think
this kind of relates as uh it was Apple
was the company right and somebody of
course it was somebody walked into the
lunchroom said hey I need you know 10
Engineers to come help me on this new
project that nobody knows about that's
going to probably fail but blah blah
blah right and and like 10 people raised
their hand and they said okay come and
that was the that was the group that
that built like the iPhone right yeah it
was it was an internal Innovation thing
that's kind of what you do with
companies who may not have this the
stuff that apple or that may have been
you I don't know I wish I could tell you
that was me I'm afraid it wasn't though
but yes that's a that's a really great
example and Alignment to the type of
work that we do and the type of
operations that we are helping companies
establish because what we find is that
every company believes in Innovation
wants to talk about Innovation wants to
share how they're being Innovative but a
lot of that is sort of masked behind
Innovation theater uh you know we talk
about the illusion of innovation um you
know the going through the motions of
doing things that sound at face value
like they are Innovative but when push
comes to shove aren't really changing
the culture and the trajectory of the
organization and so we come in and help
um evaluate rearticulate or establish
from the ground up those types of
operations in a way that um our process
has proven works and
creates an established ongoing practice
that companies can then carry forward
yeah and that's really cool and the
other thing I really liked about about
Apollo 21 and what you guys are doing is
is you you said on your website that you
start from the very beginning in a sense
to work yourself out of a job because
you expect your companies unpack that
because I thought that was a really
intriguing thought yeah that's something
that I think is uh relatively unique to
us um we we start every project with the
expectation that our Cent will outgrow
us and if we have done our jobs well
then that is exactly the eventuality
that we're aiming for and what we have
found is that um you know often we'll be
brought in to start by helping a company
solve a very specific discrete need and
what we find as often as not is that in
the uh solution process for whatever
problem they've articulated we uncover a
number of other things that we could do
and so often what will happen is either
the solution to that initial problem
will grow in scope and scale or we'll
start with something small and then
continue layering things on and what we
find is that in success if we have
helped a company create a new product
launch a new Venture establish their own
Venture building operations at some
point they're going to look at us and
say you know what this has been great
but we need to internalize these
operations and to be frank we fought
against that a little bit early on and
you know as a company ourselves and of
course a company that is trying to uh
you know keep money flowing through the
coffers um you know we started off by
trying to grab on to and hold on to as
much of that business as possible and
what we eventually realized is that it's
a terrible way to do business because
eventually you end up butting heads with
your own clients and your own uh you
know people that you've built strong
relationships with because you're trying
to hold on to their business at the same
time that they're trying to expand their
business uh and make it their own and so
so I finally just threw at my hands and
said you know what this isn't the right
way to do this we should start every
project with the expectation that if we
do our jobs well that that client will
fly the nest if you will and uh begin to
operate without our help and so we
almost use that as a benchmark now you
know if we can get a client to a point
where they no longer need us then we
feel like we've done a really good job
yeah that's awesome it's it's
interesting because when you go to
Apollo 2.io their website it's is it's a
space theme right people in in space
outfits you get to Rocket and everything
and it just occurred to me as you were
talking about that this whole concept is
it's it's almost like you guys are
helping that company you're helping NASA
build the rocket to launch and success
is when the rocket actually launches and
now what they're able to do is go into a
new orbit and do Great and Mighty things
because of what you've brought to the
table is that a fair analogy yes I I
wish I could tell you that we were
building rockets for NASA but beyond
that I think that spot on okay yeah yeah
but whether it's rockets for AA or or
apps for Bank of America or um VR things
that are coming or a a technology
platform maybe for a manufacturing
company I mean it really doesn't matter
the industry as much as the thought
process and and how you go about doing
things can can you unpack that is that
right yeah that's absolutely right um we
are industry agnostic we are vertical
agnostic and really what we're focused
on is helping companies I do what I've
described either solve a core
operational problem and often we will do
that by first Consulting with the
company really um wrapping our heads
around what their company does how their
business operations work and then where
the pain points are in those operations
and a lot of what we do is Building
Technology to solve those specific pain
points so uh we've worked across
Financial Services across remote
guarding and security we've done work in
the western Sports space and a lot of
that is underpinned by um actually a
technology stack that we built and own
called mission control which allows us
to very quickly yes carrying the space
them forward exactly um but I like in
Mission Control to like a box of Legos
it's a bunch of pieces of functionality
that we can dump on the floor and then
Cobble together into whatever we want it
to be to solve that problem for that
company and then on the other side of it
uh as I said is helping companies launch
new products and launch new Ventures and
so in doing that um it really gives us
an opportunity to learn about their
business and to understand how we can
have an impact so that we can help them
grow scale change establish Innovation
practices Etc yeah and I I think the
other thing I really like about the
model that you've got is is you're
you're you're equipping that
organization and their people to grow
themselves and and to create this little
little Skunk Works as if you will that
that will endure is that how it kind of
works yeah when we talk about uh
creating Venture building operations
internally that's really exactly what
we're talking about is helping companies
understand how to successfully create
that little Skunk Works team or really
it you know it can start with a Skunk
Works team but a lot of it comes down to
helping companies understand what the
shift in culture and mindset needs to be
so that the Skunk Works become comes the
organization and so what starts with a
small team of you know 5 to 10 people
that are building the next iPhone or the
next NASA rocket whatever it might be um
we think that there's an opportunity for
that team to really end up creating and
sharing a pervasive mentality throughout
the organization that leads to a
cultural shift enabling Innovation
exploration and ultimately opportunities
for failure without repercussion because
that's kind of where the magic happens
it well it really does and and we we'll
probably never know how many failures
the iPhone had before it actually
succeeded right it's kind of like the V8
engine how many times that fail um but
and and I think that's why I love the
the phraseology you use is is unlocking
Limitless growth and potential inside
your because it is once you have this
mindset and you have a culture of
innovation where is anything is possible
ex anything possible exactly and if as
fast as you know the world is moving
with technology and all this other stuff
you you really do need to be an
innovator you know we our our companies
we've been around 13 years right we've
rein ourselves dozens of times just
looking at as as who was it Wayne gresky
don't look where the puck is look where
it's going right that's Innovation and
that's really what you are helping
companies organizations do is not just
develop that that next thing but create
a mindset and a culture around well okay
what about the thing that's four things
down that we don't even know about yet
right Fair yeah yes absolutely fair and
a lot of it also comes down to really
operationalizing that mindset you know
it's one thing to say to a company like
you need to change your culture you need
an Innovative mindset but it's another
thing to help companies understand
exactly how to make that tangible and
realistic and so for example we talk a
lot with companies about what metrics
are leading their efforts and how to
think about the metrics that are
demonstrative of that innovation culture
so that the actions that we are
encouraging them to take and helping
them to establish internally become
grounded in the business operations in
addition to just the um Green Field or
blue sky opportunistic view yeah yeah
and and that's that's so important
especially I assume when you're getting
into Innovation is having somebody with
an outside perspective an outside voice
who's seen a lot of things you've helped
innovate and create lots of things over
your time but you also have this team
that can come in and um I assume not
every client needs like all three
aspects because you can help them with
any three it's just that sweet spot
right so you can help them regardless of
where they're they're at right exactly
and that's where you know that's where
some of the moneyness around what we do
comes in as well because as I said some
of what we do is operationally focused
and Building Technology to help folks
solve those challenges some of it is
focused on creating new products but
within that kind of existing sphere of
what a company does today and then of
course there's the the more Innovative
Blue Sky Venture building side of things
which is huh if we took all of the um
barriers out of the way what might
happen and that's where things get
really exciting as well oh absolutely um
wow we could we could go down lots of
rabbit Trails right there I'll just I'll
just hold back because it'd be way too
much fun um talk real quick as as we
start Landing our our shuttle let's call
it that right um Talk about what's going
on in the the mind maybe the heart of a
of a company an organization a team
before they reach out to you okay so
they've got something what's going on so
that somebody listening can go that's me
what what happens what's going on before
they reach out to you uh often what we
hear is that the metrics that companies
are are using as their North Star are
starting to feel stale they're having
trouble reaching those uh the goals for
those metrics that they've put in place
Revenue might be slowing down growth
might be slowing down um things like
that that are big red flags for
companies that often what you will see
is companies will just throw more
resources at the things that they've
been doing oh uh customer growth is down
let's run more ads for example and that
can be a Band-Aid to those near-term
Solutions but the reality is that it is
just a Band-Aid and it is very much near
term and so um we talk a lot with
companies about what longevity looks
like and where they want to be in end
number of years as opposed to next
quarter for example because a lot of the
principles that guide today's
organizations are grounded in near-term
metrics and near-term success at the
expense of a long-term perspective and
and Viewpoint and so where we come in is
you know when companies are hitting that
moment of hm things are slowing down we
know we need to change something but the
things that we are trying aren't working
that's really where we see an
opportunity to go okay well maybe it's a
time to try something different let's
think about what that might look like
and how we can layer in something
different into your operations in a
manner that isn't disruptive but rather
adds fuel to the fire yeah very very
cool and the other the other aspect and
it's right on your your website as you
start your introductory video is um
helping companies understand the value
and what they're bringing to their
customer Their audience because that
really is what it's all about speaking
of that pad yeah yeah absolutely we are
massive proponents of the customer
development process and so everybody
talks about talking to their customers
but what we see is that a lot of
companies talk to their customers by
sending a survey about how their
customer support experience was or you
know hey how did you like your new shirt
whatever and the reality is that when
you're talking Innovation growth and
opportunity really what you're looking
for are what are the next pain points
that we can solve for our customers that
align to our particular business so that
we can create that symbiotic
relationship of a customer needs
something that we can provide let's
build something that adds value for them
and therefore of course in the process
creates value for us at the same time
and so instead of just jumping directly
into brainstorming for example or
running a design Sprint to find what the
next opportunity is we encourage our
customers to spend a lot of time talking
to their customers so that they
understand it begin to unpack where
those pain points are where the
emotional moments in the customer
Journey are so that they can begin to
solve those and what happens is we end
up starting very wide and just sort of
exploring where our opportunities where
is pain happening and then as we begin
to identify those points we begin to
narrow in and go oh interesting that
particular pain Point aligns to our
business how might we solve that paino
and you keep talking to customers hey
here's a four frame comic book
storyboard that we think solves the
problem that you told us about what do
you think of it and what we find is that
by the time you get through that
customer development process which let's
be clear maybe a couple of weeks it may
be a couple of months depending on kind
of you are and how in depth you want to
go there but what happens is by the time
you start building something you have
talked to customers about it and heard
their reactions to it so many times that
the risk level of what you're about to
create is incredibly low and um you know
exactly whether or not you're on the
path to creating something that they
will find Value in and therefore pay you
for and so that upfront work while it is
upfront work save so much effort in the
long run by eliminating seven features
that you didn't need to build from the
thing that you're launching for example
that it it lends itself to massive
success yeah yeah that's great and and
not only that but building something
that I really like and I really think
it's cool that my customer just doesn't
really care about exactly that's the
moment yeah when you get to that moment
of hey we built a thing don't you think
it's great and everybody kind of looks
at you and goes
yeah that it is the worst feeling it
really is and and the value that you you
didn't really talk about is the value of
when you're talking with your customers
the value of the
relationship so much um that then you
don't have to sell your thing to them
it's it's a natural byproduct of value
creation and in customer retention
exactly you create an amazing
relationship with your customers who
feel like their needs are being heard
who feel like they have input into the
process of creating the solution to the
problem that you are working with them
to identify and often what we'll find is
that by going through that customer
development process by the time you
launch a thing you've got customers
lined up and waiting for it because
you've already talked to those people
and what we'll hear in that process is
oh my God call me when this is ready
send me an email I want to be the first
person to use this that is fantastic
because then you don't hit the point
that we were just describing of
launching a thing and feeling like it's
falling flat instead you've got people
beating on your door going give me that
thing I wanted I needed it solves a
problem yeah that's amazing that that is
a place everybody wants to be and I
think Danny Nathan and his team at
Apollo 21 have have kind of helped
figured out how to make this happen on a
on a more regular basis so Danny how how
do people reach out to you find out more
about you your company take that next
step where's the best place for them to
go uh best place is our website which
you've mentioned a couple of times it's
Apollo 21 number2 number
one.i uh I of course am also active on
social media I am blah blah blah among
many on just about everything and of
course Apollo 21 is also active on
social media you can find us on LinkedIn
WE Post little Snippets of videos all
the time to uh YouTube and Tik Tok and
all the other places um and if you
happen to be listening from New York I
run a monthly Founders dinner and a
monthly innovator's dinner which is just
five or six people sitting down and
getting to know one another I uh
actually attended one last night and it
was a great conversation so if you're
local please come say hi and have dinner
with us that's awesome what a great idea
face to face flesh to flesh I mean gosh
no name tags no name tags no name tags I
love it I love it great idea all right
Danny Nathan thank you um this is this
is amazing Apollo 2.io is the place to
go and learn about wther and how they
can help you understand how to how to
capture leverage and and launch the
Innovative growth that's that's uh in
your business so you can scale and and
build great teams so Danny man this has
been phenomenal for me thank you so much
for being my guest thanks for doing what
you do to help businesses thanks for
having me it's been a great chat
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