Introducing Launchpad: A pre-accelerator program designed for “napkin-stage” founders.

By Danny Nathan

Introducing Launchpad: A pre-accelerator program designed for “napkin-stage” founders.

You’ve had an epiphany. A brilliant idea for your next (first?) entrepreneurial venture. You’ve scribbled it on the back of a napkin (or your notes app) and now you’re chomping at the bit to get moving. 

And, if you’re like most early-stage founders, you believe the first thing you have to do is get out and build an MVP, right? 


Slow your roll. Building things is expensive. (Yes, it’s gotten considerably cheaper over the years, but it’s still one of the most resource-intensive parts of building a new product.) Before you build anything, you want to validate and de-risk your idea in the cheapest manner possible.

Don’t worry, we can help guide you through every step of the process. 

Introducing Launchpad

Apollo 21’s Launchpad program is a pre-accelerator that’s designed explicitly to help founders and aspiring entrepreneurs through the process of deeply interrogating their startup idea and validating it through customer research — before ever pushing a pixel or writing a line of code. Drawing inspiration from renowned Lean methodologies, as well as our team’s extensive experience, this 12-week program guides founders through the steps necessary to create the utmost conviction and confidence in their idea.

Embracing Lean Methodologies

The Launchpad program emphasizes the principles of Lean Customer Development, teaching founders how to engage with potential customers, validate their assumptions, and iterate on their ideas based on real-world feedback. By focusing on customer pain points and input on workable solutions, participants learn to create products that truly meet market needs.

Structured Program for Success

The Launchpad Pre-Accelerator is meticulously structured to guide founders through each critical stage of their startup journey:


  • Week 1: Meet the Cohort; Develop a Hypothesis
  • Week 2-3: Pain Point Discovery Interviews
  • Week 4: Storyboard Development
  • Week 5-6: Storyboard Interviews
  • Week 7-8: Define the Business
  • Week 9-10: Develop the Pitch
  • Week 11: Pitch Prep
  • Week 12: Pitch Your Startup

Comprehensive Support and Mentorship

Participants benefit from guided lessons on validation techniques, personalized 1:1 work sessions with Apollo 21's experienced product and engineering leaders, and cohort-wide work sessions to foster collaboration and feedback. Additionally, weekly guest advisor sessions cover essential topics such as branding, design, data analytics, and legal considerations.

Real Outcomes, Real Impact

By the end of the program, founders will have conducted at least 30 customer interviews, validated (or pivoted) their business hypotheses, created a robust user journey, defined their business model, and developed a pitch deck. These outcomes are designed to set startups on a path to success, ensuring they are well-prepared to secure initial customers and potential funding.

Join the Launchpad Community

The Launchpad Pre-Accelerator Program offers a unique opportunity for early-stage founders to transform their ideas into viable businesses. With a cost of $2,900 (and a 50% discount for the first cohort), the program is fully remote, allowing participants to join from anywhere in the world.

Ready to take your startup to the next level? Apply today and become part of a vibrant community of innovators. Click here for more information and to submit your application.

Our Launchpad Pre-Accelerator Program is here to help you turn your vision into reality and be part of the next wave of successful startups.

The White Paper

Click here to download our white paper.


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